OFFer a mass
You can have a Mass celebrated for intentions which are dear to you, such as :
- a birthday, an anniversary or a particular feast
- to entrust somebody to (Mary, blessed Marie-Eugene etc.)…
- a birthday, an anniversary or a particular feast
- To intercede for the intentions of the world and of the Church.
You may offer this mass through the online form (following the link) or you can send your intention directly to the Friends of Fr Marie-Eugene, 85 chemin de la Roberte, 84210 Venasque – FR
With the forms below, you can:
To confide a prayer intention
to the intercession of Fr. Marie-Eugene. It will be supported by the members of Notre-Dame de Vie.
Share a testimony of encounter
with the blessed Fr. Marie-Eugene.
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At any time you will be able to ask us to delete the information concerning you.
Finally, concerning the photos and illustrations you may provide, you are entitled to publication rights.
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Prayer intentions
For finding a good job matching my interests, move to another city,for meeting new people – and an exceptional Person with whom I will spend the rest of my life – and also for this Person to be given all the needed graces now. Also for family and friends.
Za uzdravenie
Bl. otec Eugen Mária prosím o pomoc pri uzdravení mojej mamky, prosím o jej záchranu a zlepšenie zdravotného stavu, aby ešte mohla pobudnúť medzi nami. Potrebujeme ju.
Drahý otče prosím o silu prijať Božiu vôľu.
Study Permit Approval
I pray to God with the help of Fr. Marie Eugene of the Child Jesus to touch the heart of the Visa Officer who will assess my application. May he will be convinced, approved my application and grant me a visa. I ask in the name of Jesus, my Lord. Amen.
Stronger Faith
I ask for a stronger faith, may I always remember the things that He has done for me in the past despite my current struggles. May I be reminded always of His faithfulness. May God guide my thoughts, and always do things according to His will and Glory. May He fill my heart with love and never -ending gratefulness in whatever situation I may be.

Healing intention
For a young father who suffers from.unoperable brain cancer and has little time to live. His name is Piotr. Asking for Father Marie Eugene intercession for Our Lord’s healing.
Nurse Registration
Please pray that if it is God’s will that I will get my name on register of nurses.
Special favor to Blsd. Fr. Marie Eugene
Good evening to you. May I ask favor for immediate healing of my eyesight, knee pains, thyroidism also for my neice sickness. Thank you so much. May God be glorified through our dear Blsd. Fr. Marie Eugene.. Pls. Pray for US. Thank u so much. Respectfully yours, Sr. Arsenia,OP

Pray for Eric’s salvation
Please pray for Eric McDonald. Please pray for his conversion to true faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray for the salvation of his soul. Pray for his healing spirit, soul, and body Ask God to reveal his love to Eric.He needs God’s healing love to flow through his life. Please pray that he will come to know The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. He needs The Blessed Mother’s Kindly Motherly love and care…

Healing for a child
Zion Valdez, 2yrs. old, was admitted to the Oakland Children’s Hospital this week. He is diagnosed with Lukemia. Lord we pray through the intercession of Blessed Marie-Eugene, that this child’s health will be restored and he will be healed and granted a full life with his family.
We ask in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Good Health is what I
Good Health is what I always pray for. I pray to God to keep my body, mind and spirit healthy. This prayer is not just for me but also for my family. May God keep us safe and healthy.
Marriage Project
May God bless our coming marriage and the foundation of our family and home. May he keep our love eternal and that we remain united till death so that we praise the Lord endlessly
Claire P & Michel A
Please I need a prayer
Please I need a prayer for my husband’s job. Thankyou
Please pray that my health be fully restored so that I may have the strength to care for my wife and daughter
Save Luanne and Adriana
My daughter Luanne was diagnosed with a short cervix on her 27th week and 3 days of pregnancy. This will be her second child. Please favor us and save Luanne and her child Adriana. Thank you blessed Marie Eugene of the child Jesus.
I ask for a miracle of healing for my sister-in-law, Joanne. She was stricken with a rare and extreme scoliosis of the spine that kept her in severe pain for most of her life. She had several metal rods placed in her back 23 years ago. One of the rods broke and the fragment was removed last year. Since that surgery, for the past year and a half, she was plagued with infection and is now faced with having to remove all the hardware in her back at age 72.
To be better
To help me to become a better person and more devotion to the Holy Spirit
Return to the sacrements
I pray that you will assist in helping my son’s return to the sacrements, and for the conversion of his wife, and securing the gift of Baptism for his children.
a little step
Five years ago I had a severe rupture in a relationship that was meaningful to me. My life was changed drastically because of it, I was very hurt and suffered many loses. I felt oppressed and had terrible temptations towards hatred and bitterness, these temptations added to my suffering.
Through sacraments and prayer I received inner healing and accepted that I would never be able to recover my life, but I desired fraternal reconciliation and deeper graces of Christ’s forgiveness for me and the other person.
I tried to make gentle approaches toward this person and I entrusted everything to St. Therese but nothing seemed to be moving.
I came across Blsd. Marie-Eugene through the School of Mary. I had never heard of him! I decided to pray his prayer of intercession, so that he could intercede for me with St. Therese to obtain a reconciliation. My logic was that 2 holy French people pushing in the same direction, are better than one! And if for some reason St. Therese was crossed with me, since Blsd Marie-Eugene was her friend he might be able to convince her that my cause was worthy.
Forgive me if this is not a good way to pray, but already on the third day of the prayer I received a short communication from this person. To me it was a ‘little step’ toward the reconciliation my heart desired, and an answer to prayer.
Thank you Blsd Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus.
At the end of September, I sent by letter a request through the intercession of blessed Father Marie-Eugene. A 32-year old woman, a friend of our family who had married in August, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She absolutely refused any treatment, she had consulted a Mexican healer without any result. All of a sudden her depressive state improved and she accepted a chemotherapy treatment, which has already made the tumor regress. She is much calmer. I go on trusting in prayer and in the door opened by Father Marie-Eugene. Many thanks from the deepest part of my grateful soul.
The last chance
In 1992, after a period of unemployment and having exhausted all possible contacts and in spite of many attempts, I was advised by a friend to pray to Father Marie-Eugene. It was somehow the attempt of the last chance and my natural optimism had begun to weaken seriously. About ten days after my prayer I received several work proposals and one of them was successful ; I even had the possibility to choose ! Let us pray to him with confidence.